Social Media Directory
We’re a small to medium-sized university with a tight-knit, active community. Social networks help us stay connected and spread the word about our master teachers, study abroad experiences, athletic programs, and everything in-between. Find your niche in the UMW community and follow your favorites on social media.
If you currently manage social media accounts, we highly encourage you to maintain a list of passwords both electronically and physically. This password list should live with two trusted individuals within your department.
UMW (Official)
Alumni Relations
Biology Department
Business Services
Campus Programming Board
Campus Recreation
Center for Economic Development
Center for International Education
Chi Beta Phi
College of Business
College of Education
Continuing and Professional Studies
Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies
EagleOne Card Center
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Economics Department
Facilities Operations
Gari Melchers Home and Studio
German Program
Global Medical Brigades
Historic Preservation Department
Honors Program
Hurley Convergence Center
Information Technologies
James Monroe Museum
Mathematics Department
Modern Languages and Literatures
Music Department
Nursing Program
Physics Department
Pre-Medical, Dental, & PA Society
President Troy D. Paino
Psychological Science
Rappahannock Scholars Program
Residence Life
Simpson Library
Student Activities and Engagement (SAE)
Student Education Association
Title IX and Center for Preservation and Education
UMW Continuing and Professional Studies
University Staff Council
Women’s Leadership Colloquium